We’re located in Kansas City, Missouri, and offer services throughout the city.
Our pricing is reasonable and based off your needs and labor of work .
Our cleaning service is 100% guaranteed with complete customer satisfaction. We ensure you are fully satisfied with the work once our experts are done.
We specifically look for what the customer is requesting.I try to get a feel of what needs special attention by the house and also letting them get to know me since I’m entering their personal space.
Jaqual Wheeler used to do personal care for senior citizens and cleaned their homes. Later, she decided to make this a profession.
We have worked with several clients, including realtors, homeowners, senior citizens, and office and commercial cleaning.
Make sure that the individual specialize in the type of service your looking for.
The customer should discuss the following:
- What chemicals and types of equipment are the professionals bringing?
- How many cleaning experts will enter the home?
- What safety precautions will be taken by the experts while working?